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NOVEMBER 2018 - Pakistan Visit | Dr Abdur Raoof


Visits were made to  Al-Ehsan  Welfare Eye Hospital  and PWS at the Inmol hospital in Lahore.

The  Eye Hospital now have a state of the art mobile operation theatre and SEHT has donated a digital Ophthalmic Ultrasound biometer   for use in the theatre at a cost of Rs. 725,000 .

Seht has also been able to contribute 150 doses of anticancer medication to the stock of the pharmacy  managed by the PWS  at Inmol.

During this visit to Pakistan, the chairperson  was also able to meet Mr Sanaullah Khan, President of  Al- Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital, Dr Ijaz Bashir  at Cleft Hospital, Gujrat, and Dr Amjad Saqib of Akhuwat in the company of Dr Izhar Hashmi, director of Punjab Welfare Trust for the Disabled.

All of them  offered  useful advice  and guidance on SEHT’s efforts  towards improving access  to better health and education for those in need.


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