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APRIL 2013 - Renal Dialysis Chairs For Sialkot Medical Complex

Sialkot Medical Complex is a 280-bed hospital in the city of Sialkot, Punjab. With thousands of patients seen every week, it is no doubt an incredibly busy centre providing a much-needed health service to the people of Sialkot and areas beyond. However, as a not-for-profit hospital, it relies on donations of funds and medical equipment in order to function and it was for this reason that SEHT was pleased to be able to help.

Alhamdulillah two renal dialysis chairs (one manual at £1500 and one electric at £1800) were purchased by SEHT in the UK and shipped to the Sialkot Medical Complex. Shipping costs were not charged to SEHT but were personally covered by Dr. Abdur Raoof. The first chair, having been received by the Administrator of the Complex Mr. Mahmood Ahmad on 23/4/13,  is already well in use as can be seen! Inshallah these dialysis chairs will aid renal patients undergoing essential life-saving dialysis treatment.

  Your donations have made this possible but there is still so much that is needed in centres across Pakistan. Please continue to donate so that SEHT can help provide such necessary facilities and make healthcare that bit easier for those in need.  
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