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NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2015- Pakistan Visit | Dr Abdur Raoof

In November 2015, SEHT Chairman Dr. Raoof made a visit to Pakistan to ensure our ongoing commitment to health and education. His trip included a follow-up visit to the Sialkot medical Complex where SEHT has previously supplied specialised renal dialysis beds and we are looking into supplying a further 5 hospital bed mattresses.

Dr. Raoof was also pleased to find that the Aabroo Welfare High School for Girls was flourishing as evidenced by a larger campus. Previously supplied computer equipment has been moved to the Boys School on another site and we hope to donate books to the school’s growing library.

The Aziz Jahan Begum Trust for the Blind delivers first class education to the blind. It is a unique and impressive charitable institution to which SEHT contributed Rs 1.6 million for the development of a Kid’s Complex.  Dr. Raoof attended the site and was happy to see that construction was progressing well and at the time  completion was expected  within 2 months. We hope to be able to help with equipping some of the facilities in due course.

The Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital based in Lahore provides free expert eye examinations and specialised treatments. It also provides general outpatient checks, diabetic care and free medicine where needed. Visits there revealed an impressive hospital with a high level of cleanliness and experienced doctors. In order to continue much valued patient care, they require specialist ophthalmic equipment and Dr. Raoof was able to source the provision of a new slit lamp for them.

Dr. Raoof took the opportunity to also meet with Oncolink, pharmaceutical suppliers of anti-cancer medication. He also visited the Lahore office of Strongman, a hospital furniture manufacturer. Building working relationships with those able to assist us in our endeavour to supply quality resources in health and education is vitally important. For this reason, Dr. Raoof also made contact with the Decent Welfare Society, a healthcare organisation which amongst other projects runs a Cleft Centre for the treatment of individuals affected by cleft palate. Arrangements are in the pipeline but we hope this will go on to be a relationship of benefit to both organisation’s charitable aims.

 In summary, over the past year, Alhamdulillah SEHT has been able to provide a Rs 1.2 million slit lamp to the Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital and almost Rs 200 000 worth of anti-cancer medications to the patient welfare society at INMOL (Lahore). The construction of the Kid’s Complex at the AJB Institute for the Blind has progressed well and we hope to be able to visit the completed site soon. Thanks to the on-going generosity of those donating to SEHT, The Aabroo Educational Welfare Organisation has been supplied with 20 whiteboards and 20 wooden desks for the children, adding to the computers, sewing machines and science laboratory equipment provided the year before. We continue to sponsor 4 children’s education with Aabroo and have made quarterly donations of Rs 35000 to the Sharif Trust Hospital Medicine Fund, to enable its continuing provision of free medical consultations and treatment.

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